Within any given setting, Augurs use a specific compendium to create the contexts, perform the roles, and mediate the experiences and interactions of the diverse peoples and various encounters that comprise that setting’s scenarios in space and time. We refer to the evocation and negotiation of these scenarios as a game.
A game, like any form of reality, is structured and mediated by a system of rules known as The Augur’s Path, a game system that is driven by player decisions and narrator responses using character-based source attributes, typically under a collective and cooperative storied goal. The path as a core procedural system is used only in conjunction with the following pillars of the game:
The explorers of the setting and the evokers of reality, players will each create a character to enter the setting and engage the path before them. Only one player is necessary, but the dialogue between two and up to eight players is ideal for realizing the path.
The Narrator
The keeper of the setting and the mediator of reality, the narrator will envision the peoples and places that comprise the setting, as well as any mysteries or goals that may wait to be met within the setting. Typically one narrator will guide a campaign, but there may be instances where players trade turns as narrator in keeping their own aspects of the setting.
The catalyst of the path and the conduit between the players and the setting, characters are the representation of consciousness and awareness within the reality of the setting. Characters have motivations and obstacles for the players to explore.
The Collective
The coalescence of character interactions through which the narrative of the campaign emerges, the collective is the embodiment of the setting through the perspectives, dialogues, and actions of the players’ characters. Also called a “party” or “group,” the collective is a powerful force of collaboration and the wellspring of community and shared experience.
The full narrative of hopes, trials, and experiences that comprises the arc of characters and the collective, campaigns are stories that the players and narrator will unfold through interactive sessions of play. A campaign may be realized in a single session of play, but typically multiple sessions each an hour or two will contribute over time to building the awareness and memory of the campaign.