Stone & Sunder

Stone & Sunder is an Augur’s Lore Far-future, Fantasy RPG setting in which society and technology exists similarly to our own ancient histories, with a few notable distinctions. The game takes place in the sprawling and diverse Empire of Thelea. The title is a reference to Pale Stone, the dangerous and legendary substance that is rumored to have emerged from the halfhollows; it is said to be extremely light in weight, brightly-colored, slightly warm to the touch, and fabled to be the source of all mystical power. While it is frequently discussed throughout the Empire, it is very rare and few peoples have actually encountered Pale Stone. What’s more is that Pale Stone is incredibly dangerous and powerful, and its origins and history span beyond the reach of time.

The mythical origins of Pale Stone–the deep halfhollows–are the dark underworld below, believed to be the domain of the primordial gods. Legend states that many of the primordial gods were trapped in the underworld when the halfhollows were created, when the god Bailiea twisted the flat world into a hollowed globe. What lurked beneath the world was trapped, inverted in the underworld and lost to time. The primordial gods are said to rule the halfhollows and all within under malicious torment. Those who travel into subterranean locales are warned to be cautious of such a world, and Theleans tend to be suspicious of caves and underground areas.

The Empire’s provinces are home to the largest collective human populations on earth, but humans share the Empire with several other sentient species—referred to as “the civilized peoples” in the game. As the name implies, the civilized peoples created society—the more permanent form of existence that distinguishes people from the beasts that inhabit the natural world. But depending on where one travels throughout the Empire, they will find that civilization in Thelea is not monolithic, nor is it always harmonious. Societies shape themselves in diverse ways, and sometimes the fundamental truths of one community clashes (even violently) with those of another. Each of the civilized peoples are distinctive in ancestry and appearance, but have integrated into various societies and contribute to numerous distinctive cultures throughout the Empire. The people of Thelea tend to identify more strongly with their provincial communities than they do with their ancestral origins.

The stories of the ancients and the halfhollows below are often considered superstitious nonsense in the eyes of many of the more wealthy nobles in the civilized world. For most in the upper echelons of society, the legends and the gods are fantastical tales people tell their children, nothing more. The inner-workings of the economic and political structures of the Empire are of more import to these nobles than any silly myths and legends. Still, most prefer not to mock the gods or fate, and keep a close ear on those tales; there may be some truth to them, even if only the truth that they might make for themselves.

The Augurs envision a dark and mysterious world where adventurers can shape the course of the Empire. What will your adventures reveal?