Feats and Fumbles

Some actions can be critically effective in unpredictable ways. At other times, actions are doomed to failure. The path refers to these moments respectively as feats and fumbles. Feats and fumbles are initiated based on the results of the dice during the player’s action roll.

[3d6] Action Roll ResultsOutcome
A pair of 6sFeat
A pair of 1sFumble
The presence of feats and fumbles – APC System


When the action roll shows a pair of sixes, that action should be considered a feat. Feats are always successful, regardless of the difficulty or the sum of the dice. When a feat is initiated, the player should look to the third die of the action roll to determine the type of feat. A game’s compendium may have setting-specific rules that help guide players for each type of feat, but the the path indicates that there should always be six feat types of increasing reward.

Dice ResultsFeat TypeDescription
6, 6, 1FortuitousOffers success regardless of the odds
6, 6, 2DistinctiveAdds an increased effect
6, 6, 3OpportunisticAdds a lasting bonus
6, 6, 4InspirationalAdds a morale boost for the collective
6, 6, 5FoundationalAdds a wealth of experience
6, 6, 6LegendaryAdds a scenario that is remarkably epic

A game’s setting should guide the effects of feats, but each feat type should encompass the previous feat’s effects while adding a new component as shown in the hierarchy here.


When an action roll shows a pair of ones, that action is considered a fumble. Fumbles are always failed actions, regardless of the difficulty or the sum of the dice. When a fumble is initiated, the player looks to the third die of the action roll to determine the fumble type. A game’s compendium may have setting-specific rules that help guide players for each type of fumble, but the path indicates that there should always be six fumble types of increasing doom.

Dice ResultsFumble TypeDescription
1, 1, 6UnfortunateCauses failure regardless of the odds
1, 1, 5PrecariousAdds an increased effect
1, 1, 4DemoralizingAdds a lasting penalty
1, 1, 3EnfeeblingAdds a loss of morale for the collective
1, 1, 2PerilousAdds a noticeable setback to the scenario
1, 1, 1CalamitousAdds a scenario that is remarkably doomed

A game’s setting should guide the effects of fumbles, but each fumble type should encompass the previous fumble’s effects while adding a new component as shown in the hierarchy here.

Feats and fumbles provide the narrator and the players with opportunities to describe sweeping shifts to a scenario, particularly in critical moments such as conflict encounters.